Committee on Preparation For Ministry
The purpose of the Committee on Preparation for Ministry is to nurture, guide, and support individuals as they discern/confirm God’s call to ordination as ministers of Word and Sacrament or commissioning as ruling elders, assessing call and skills for ministry and overseeing all the appropriate requirements of the
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Committee on Preparation for Ministry Chair(s)
Rev. Carilyn Pattison (carilyn7576@yahoo.com)
Rev. Dr. Paul Seelman (pseelman@huguenotchurch.org)
Commissioned Ruling Elder Process & Requirements
The primary purpose of HRP’s CRE ministry is to train and prepare ruling elders to receive a commission to serve as a pastoral leader of a HRP congregation which cannot support and/or attract a full-time Minister of Word and Sacrament.
Preparation for Ordained Ministry in the Presbyterian Church (USA)
Learn about the process of seeking ordination as a Teaching Elder / Minister of Word and Sacrament. You’ll learn about the process for discerning your call to ministry.