Presbyterian Youth Triennium 2025
Presbyterian Youth Triennium 2025 (July 28-31)
About: Complete this form for anyone interested in attending the Presbyterian Triennium 2025. Triennium is in Louisville, Kentucky from July 28th through the 31st. We will be gathering on the 27th for fellowship and dinner prior to departing to travel overnight to Louisville.
Submitting the interest form is not a commitment, but a way to help us know how many people we should plan on attending.
We will partner with Northeast Jersey and Highlands presbyteries based on responses received so far. As a result, space is limited. We will be going by Charter Bus and spaces are limited, so please get your interest in as soon as possible. This form can be completed for youth participants and chaperones (interested chaperones will need to complete a background check per our child protection policy).
The estimated cost for each participant to attend is $500, thanks to financial support from the Presbytery of Hudson River—the Rev. Casey Carbone, Director for Congregational Connection, will serve as the registrar for the Presbytery. Please email him with any questions (casey@hudrivpres.org).
Theme: Once we have experienced God’s sacred dreams, we are never the same. Like the Magi who were told in a dream to go home by another way, we must find a new way forward. Or as the prophet Isaiah proclaimed, “You shall go out with joy…” We conclude our Triennium experience affirming that it is not to end our dreaming. Instead, we are to Wake Up and Dream. We are challenged and commissioned to imagine new ways of manifesting the gospel of Christ in our own contexts, having experienced God’s presence and power together. We invite you to join us as we worship, learn, fellowship, and play as a hopeful and joyful community of faith at the 2025 Presbyterian Youth Triennium. The experience will be one of those life-shaping faith forming events that you will never forget! It will be As If We Were Dreaming.
For commonly asked questions (CLICK HERE)
Financial Aid:
Scholarships Offered by Holmes Camp & Retreat Center (CLICK HERE)
An addition $150 scholarship is available thanks to the Synod of the Northeast. Please email Rev. Casey Carbone to inquirer about this scholarship (casey@hudrivpres.org).
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