Ruling Elder Committee
Contact: CRE@hudrivpres.org
What is a Commissioned Ruling Elder?
A Commissioned Ruling Elder (CRE) is an elder of the Presbyterian Church (USA) to whom The Book of Order grants, “a local commission by the presbytery to lead worship and preach the gospel, watch over the people, and provide for their nurture and service.” The primary purpose of Hudson River Presbytery’s CRE ministry is to train and prepare ruling elders to receive a commission to serve as a pastoral leader of a HRP congregation which cannot support and/or attract a full-time Minister of Word and Sacrament.
Sexual Misconduct Policy (From COM)
Background Check Policy and Questionnaire (From COM)
Helpful Links
More information on the CRE process from the denominational offices — including Frequently Asked Questions, and more.
Distance Learning at University of Dubuque Theological Seminary.
The program at UTDS is frequently used by those in the CRE process.