HRP Grants
The Hudson River Presbytery offers access to a variety of funding sources to support our churches and ministries. The brief description below is meant to help congregations and members make an initial assessment about which grant might best meet funding needs.
Challenge-to-Change 2.0
The Challenge to Change 2.0 is the result of combining the Challenge-to-Change Grant and the Legacy Fund with the intent to fund projects/programs that align with Hudson River Presbytery's vision and commitment to leadership development, healthy vital communities of faith, and creating/nurturing partnerships.
Email applications to grants@hudrivpres.org.
*Please note that a revised application and criteria has been uploaded. (Your application should have the date Jan. 8, 2024, in the footer.)
**Deadline: April 1, 2025 (Late submissions will be held for review with October 1, 2025 applications.)
Capital Loan/Grant Fund
In the hopes of partnering with the struggles of our congregations the Presbytery of Hudson River seeks to make limited funds available to congregations on a one-time basis for capital needs.
(Max: $25,000)
Peacemaking Grant
The Peacemaking Offering supports the peacemaking ministries of congregations, presbyteries, synods and the General Assembly. Funds are to be used to work for peace. Presbytery’s share varies each year depending on offering receipts.
(Max: $1,000)
Other Opportunities Outside of HRP
The Self-Development of People Grant
These grants empower economically poor, oppressed, and disadvantaged people seeking to change the structures that perpetuate poverty, oppression and injustice.