Presbytery Design
The Presbytery has discerned and is guided by the following ministry goals:
Encourage and support the creation of partnerships around people’s passion and energy within the life of our presbytery, our congregations and the larger church that furthers the cause of Christ in the world.
Create, grow, empower and nurture strong, transformative leadership for the purpose of leading resurrection people and healthy, vital communities of faith.
Create, grow, empower and nurture healthy, vital communities of faith for the work of mission in a changing world.
Parts of Presbytery:
Council: The purpose of the Council is to oversee the mission and ministry of the Presbytery of Hudson River in order to focus, align and coordinate its resources toward the presbytery’s approved ministry goals.
Commission on Representation: The purpose of the Committee on Representation is to be an advocate for diversity and a resource for the just representation of all members and congregations of the Presbytery within the life of the Presbytery.
Nominating Committee: The purpose of the Nominations Committee is to provide qualified and committed individuals for all Presbytery committees. Its members are chosen by the Council.
Commission on Ministry: The purpose of the Committee on Ministry is to oversee all the appropriate requirements of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) as related to the pastoral relationships with the presbytery’s congregations and the status of all its members, in such a way that will create and sustain healthy, vital communities of faith and provide strong, transformative leadership for the Presbytery of Hudson River.
Commission on Preparation for Ministry: The purpose of the Committee on Preparation for Ministry is to nurture, guide, and support women and men as they discern/confirm God’s call to ordination as ministers of Word and Sacrament or commissioning as ruling elder, assessing call and skills for ministry and overseeing all the appropriate requirements of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Faith and Order Committee: The purpose of the Faith and Order Committee is to advise the Presbytery of Hudson River on matters concerning theology and polity.
Permanent Judicial Commission: The Permanent Judicial Commission shall adjudicate disciplinary and remedial cases for the Presbytery of Hudson River which may come before it, using the Rules of Discipline (D-5.0000) found in the Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Administrative Commissions: When it has been determined by the Committee on Ministry or the Presbytery itself that a situation requires the appointment of an Administrative Commission the Stated Clerk and the General Presbytery shall name the members of the Administrative Commission and invite one of the members to serve as Moderator.
Finance Committee: The purpose of the Finance Committee is to manage and oversee the financial resources of the Presbytery of Hudson River and provide financial resources for the presbytery’s mission and ministry.
Property Commission: The Property Committee is charged to oversee the property resources of HRP for the Presbytery’s mission and ministry.
Grants Committee: The purpose of the Grants Committee is to support the mission and ministry of the Presbytery of Hudson River by faithfully ensuring that the grants under its purview support resurrection living, following the guidelines provided by HRP and partnering with those who are seeking effective ways to be the church in a changing world.
Personnel Committee: The purpose of the Personnel Committee is to develop and provide, in collaboration with the General Presbyter/Head of Staff, oversight of personnel policies and procedures that will enable the Presbytery of Hudson River to recruit, retain and motivate its paid staff in a supportive work environment.