Committee on Representation
The purpose of the Committee on Representation is to be an advocate for diversity and a resource for the just representation of all members and congregations of the presbytery within the life of the presbytery.
Committee on Representation Chair(s)
CRE Edgar Hayes (nonviolentpeace.1@gmail.com)
Rev. Dr. Peter Johnson (ptbarjonah@outlook.com)
Serve as an advocate for the representation of the full diversity of Presbytery membership, especially those who are currently underrepresented in leadership at the committee and council level: black people, indigenous people, people of color, young adults, people with disabilities, and LGBTQIA+ individuals.
Bring awareness of structural inequities to the forefront of all committee and council work and provide support in efforts to dismantle said inequities through anti-racism training, other forms of anti-oppression training, and inroads for continued action and study.
Review the performance of Presbytery in its attention to diversity and its thriving; Report annually to the Presbytery and the Synod with recommendations for any needed corrective action.
Advise the Nominating Committee on matters of equitable representation and receive reports from said committee on efforts made to represent the full diversity of the Presbytery.
Advise the Presbytery on the employment of personnel in accordance with the principles of participation and representation. See F - 1.0403 of the Book of Order.