What Is A Partnership?
Hudson River Presbytery encourages and supports the creation of Partnerships by three or more congregations around people’s passion and energy within the life of our presbytery, our congregations and the larger church that furthers the cause of Christ in the world.
What is an HRP partnership?
A Partnership is where three or more congregations and leaders come together around their passion for a particular issue or ministry. Ordinarily three or more sessions/councils would officially endorse the purpose and work of a partnership and those sessions request that HRP through its council would recognize the partnership.
What is the purpose of an HRP partnership?
For the Presbytery to lift up and support ministries and communities that embrace the values of Hudson River Presbytery and further the cause of Christ in the world. For the Presbytery and its partners to engage people’s passions; encourage collaboration, and nurture effective leadership. For Hudson River Presbytery and its partners to live into our call to work to further the “Kindom” **(see below) of God in a changing world.
What is the benefit of an HRP partnership?
The prayers and visible support of the members and congregations of Hudson River Presbytery
The opportunity to apply for HRP grants
The opportunity to request time on the docket at HRP meetings
The opportunity to request to have events, projects, initiatives etc. supported and or publicized by the Presbytery, including the opportunity to request to be included in Presbytery communications.
Permission to electronically link a partnership web site or other social media site to HRP and to use the term “A Partnership of the Presbytery of Hudson River, PC(USA)”
The Council of HRP will assign a liaison to each partner to facilitate communication between the partner and the Presbytery and to provide council, support, and as appropriate theological perspective.
Email applications or questions to casey@hudrivpres.org.
Matching Partnership Funding:
The Hudson River Presbytery has budgeted matching funds (up to $5000 per year) for recognized partnerships. Churches that donate funds to one of these partnerships should download the matching fund's form and submit it to Rev. Casey Carbone (casey@hudrivpres.org).