Middle School Conferences 2025 — Massanetta Springs
Middle School Conferences 2025 (July 10-13)
(See Update From February 17, 2025 Below)
About: Massanetta Springs Middle School Conference is ideal for churches looking to connect their Middle Schoolers with a well-planned, coordinated, and memorable experience. It is ideal for churches to consider sending an adult with participating youth from their congregation.
Please complete the interest form below to reserve space for your church. Reserving your "spot" will help us determine what transportation needs we must plan for. If you have any questions you can email Rev. Casey Carbone (casey@hudrivpres.org).
The estimated cost for each participant to attend is $457. Some financial aid may be available. Transportation is covered by the Hudson River Presbytery.
Theme: Our theme for middle school conference 2025 is “Holy Love, Wholly Loved,” taken from 1 John 4. We will explore the concept of God’s love for us which teaches us how to love others. We love God because God loves us and shows us perfect love. Loving God is loving people, and loving people is loving God. Additionally, we will think about how to navigate fear and how it hinders us from fully loving and being loved. Throughout each conference, we will explore this theme through movement and play, make it come to life through keynotes featuring skits, and reflect on it with discussions. -Lead Advocate members of the planning team.
For commonly asked questions (CLICK HERE)
You can also watch the informational session with Program Director Rev. Colleen Earp.
Financial Aid:
Scholarships Offered by Holmes Camp & Retreat Center (CLICK HERE)
UPDATE: February 17, 2025
Deadline: The Presbytery group hold (a tentative reserved number) expires on April 7th. I would like to have those who are going register by March 28th. This allows me a week to sort through any loose ends.
Registration: Unlike Triennium, this event is geared towards church groups, so registration is handled by individual participants. Please note that participants will need to register through the following link and create an account if necessary (Camper Account Login Page). They will need to enter the group code for the Presbytery which is HRPMSC25. Remember to select July 10-13. Also, please remember that no payment is due when people register. Payment will be handled by the Presbytery, so folks can give money to the church, and you can send it to us in one lump sum or individually as people register (the former being preferred).
*There is no cap on the number of people who may attend! I would only recommend that at least one adult from each church attend. Adult chaperones will need to comply with the Presbytery's policy regarding minors/youth.
**It does not matter if your church has a small (1 youth) or large group. The idea is that it is a chance for them to interact and be with others.
Financial Aid: Holmes Camp and Retreat Center is generously providing scholarships! To learn more, click the page below: Middle School Youth Conference '25 — Hudson River Presbytery . Individuals requesting aid must complete the form on the page (it is a simple Google form).
Transportation: Travel To - Plans have not been finalized, but we will most likely rent comfortable vans to take us down (will need some willing adult drivers, including myself). At this point we can travel down by leaving in the morning (5-6am) and stop along the way for breakfast without needing to stop overnight. Travel From - Will plan to drive back same day and arrive in the evening.
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