Preparation for
Ordained Ministry
Discerning ordained ministry in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)?
Learn about the process of seeking ordination as a Teaching Elder / Minister of Word and Sacrament. You’ll learn about the process for discerning your call to ministry.
The denominational website, with all of the essentials for navigating the CPM process. If you are considering ordination as a Minister of Word and Sacrament, look through the PC(USA)’s site to get a sense of the process and requirements
Hudson River Presbytery’s Ordination Requirements
The presbytery has requirements for ordination that must be met in order to be ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament.
Online Training for the Committee on Preparation for Ministry Process
The Office of Preparation for Ministry/Exams has launched a series of online training opportunities for CPMs, inquirers, and candidates.
Forms for the CPM Process
Here, you’ll find a direct link to downloadable versions of the forms used at each step of the Application, Inquiry, Candidacy, and Certification process.
Ordination Exam Information
Applications for both the Bible Content Exam and the written Ordination Examinations. See this page for links to sample examples and the Exam handbook.
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Seminaries
Here, you’ll find a list of the PC(USA) seminaries, with links to their individual websites.